Around T.E.A.R.S. summer time means team time. With visiting teams from across the States and my home and native land, Canada (reminder: tomorrow is Canada day!) there is a buzz of activity. Often when teams come they connect with El Camino church here in the barrio which is great but then the same people get to interact with the visitors and El Camino "benefits" (in a manner of speaking) from the visiting teams (i.e., resources, helping hands on work projects, kid's programs, etc.) Things have been changed up a bit as T.E.A.R.S. has been working to build bridges in other barrios and with other churches. It is exciting to see relationships formed with new churches and communities. This is most often easier said than done...or desired. Differences can often be amplified and overshadow what could be new expressions of unity amongst the body of Christ. These steps forward are exciting. Your prayer in this area is gratefully recognized and appreciated. Please continue.
This summer will see teams support local churches and communities in the area of outreaches, bible studies, house visitation, children's camps, construction, medical clinics, and teacher workshops. Thank you for your support which makes all of these important ministry opportunities possible. Que Dios le bendiga mucho....