Tuesday, June 17, 2008

(in the) Dominican Domestic Divo

So, I've heard of "Domestic Divas" and am assuming the masculine form would be "Divo".  Assuming "Divo" is correct and appropriate I would like to self-appoint myself as an (in the) Dominican Domestic Divo.  After 1 month of being back and living solo I have now done my own laundry three times and, as of lunch time today, made rice three times.  This is not so much self congratulatory raving but rather just letting y'all know that Darin is surviving as a bachelor here in the DR.

Truthfully, I have been one the road to "Domestic Divo-tion" for a few years and really enjoy the domestic divo duties (which here includes: laundry, dishes, cooking, killing cochroaches, dusting + dusting + dusting, watering my dying plants, sweeping, mopping, and preparing a fresh greca of coffee for spontaneous visitors).  While I do miss the perks of living with a family here (pause: much love & appreciation to Moreno & Tigua) I am enjoying the learning curve.  Like...how do you best dry your clothes and avoid the sour smell?  How do you get the timing down so you can start cooking the rice, get one load of laundry in, back to the rice to drop the heat and put a plastic bag on top (go figure), back to the laundry to spin it quickly because you just know the power is gonna go soon...I know I sound pretty rookie but picture doing it in the worlds largest convection oven/humidifier....throw in a little foreign language and your spent by mid-day.  

Ok, no grumbling.  Just want to express both the joy and....the dynamics...of learning the ropes here in the DR.

Pictured here are my pants hanging on the wall with a not-so-pictured fan blowing on them all night and today's lunch special, white rice with fresh (oh, so fresh) mango (arroz blanco con mango...que rico).

Well, all this to say that Darin is keeping fed and clean (mainly).  Ven a comer en mi casa...yo puedo lavar tus ropas tambien.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh man...I could totally go for rice and mango right now!!! :)