Thursday, March 4, 2010

Recent Acquistitions

Now, I know it is one thing to talk about books you've bought and another to discuss meaningfully the content of said books. However, having recently come home to be greeted by some Christmas purchases, I did want to point out some recent acquisitions (before I can meaningfully discuss content) in case you are looking for some new titles.

In particular, I would commend The Shape of Living: Spiritual Directions for Everyday Life by David F. Ford (Baker Books, 2004). If the title sounds of interest to you then I believe you would find the content fruitful.

Realizing one should read the books one has before shopping for more (I don't do this but I am sure it is wise and a good practice of stewardship) let me say that I always like to hear book recommendations so feel free to recommend in the comment section.

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