Friday, July 23, 2010

Recommended Reads // David Benner

Shelves can certainly be filled with books on spiritual formation & spiritual direction (he says to himself) and perhaps it is hard to sort through the mix. With that in mind, let me commend to you David Benner (BA, McMaster; MA & PhD, York).

"Dr. Benner was the founding Director of the Institute for Psychospiritual Health (Toronto), founding Chair of the Graduate Department of Psychological Studies at Wheaton College (Wheaton, Illinois), Founding Executive Editor of the journal, Conversations, and a founding member (Charter Member) of the International Society for the Study of Multiple Personality Disorder (subsequently, International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation). He has been an Associate Fellow (Psychology and Spirituality) at The Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, University of Victoria (Victoria, British Columbia) and served as Distinguished Author in Residence at the Carey Centre, University of British Columbia. Currently he serves as Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Spirituality at Psychological Studies Institute, Richmont Graduate University (Atlanta, Georgia) and as Consulting Psychologist for GAP Adventures – a global adventure tour company.

Beyond his work in psychology and spirituality, David’s other principal interests are sailing, cycling, jazz, and hiking. He and his wife, Juliet Benner, live on Vancouver Island in Canada where they are actively involved in the leadership and life of Christ Church Cathedral in Victoria." (source)

I have the four books shown below and have come across free audio of some of his speaking engagements--take a look & listen.

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